Dear guests,
Lalibela Ethiopia is a great culinary addition to Kreuzberg. Located in the middle of Paul-Lincke-Ufer and Görlitzer Park, our restaurant completes the gastronomic diversity of Kreuzberg. Whether for lunch or dinner, with us you will always find a place to experience the Ethiopian pleasure.
where does the name come from?
Lalibela is a holy city in Ethiopia and known for its rock churches. The special thing about Lalibela is that the churches were not built on, but into the rocks. In total there are eleven of these fascinating ancient rock churches in the 2500m high Lalibela. They were made as monolithic churches from a single piece of rust-red tuff rock. Since 1978, the churches have been designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lalibela's beauty and distinctiveness inspired the name of our restaurant.

Appetizers // Starters
These tasty teasers will definitely make your favs list!
2 Hausgemachte Teigtaschen, gefüllt mit vegetarischer Füllung gewürzt nach Art des hauses, dazu leckeren Dip
2 Home made pastry with vegetables and Dips

Miser Shorba
Feine Linsensuppe, dazu Injera
Ethiopian style lintel soup with Injera

Miser Shorba besega
Linsensuppe mit fine Geschnitzeltes Rindfleisch in Paprikasoße, dazu Injera
Lintel soup with very lean chopped beef and Injera

Vegetable // Vegan Entrees

Misser Wot
roter Linsen mit verschiedenen Gewürzen in pikant-scharfer Soße zubereitet dazu Azifa und Salat.
Split lentil in medium spicy sauce and salad.

Misser Wot, Shiro Wot, Yeater Kik alicha, Gomen
5 Sorten gekochtes Kichererbsenmus mit äthiopischen Gewürzen, dazu etwas Knoblauch. Kichererbsen in milder Kurkumasoße, rote Linsen, Gomen, Azifa dazu Salat
Split lentil, Ground chickpea simmered in a rich house.

Atakilt Wot & Gomen
5 Sorten Gemüse mit gebratenem Weißkohl, Kartoffeln, Karotten in einer milden Kurkuma-Ingwersauce, Grünkohl, Fasolia, Kichererbsen in milder Kurkumasoße und Azifa dazu Salat.
Fine stewed vegetables & collard greens in Ethiopian style Azifa, split chickpea and fasolia with salad.